It is Thanksgiving!! Can you believe it?? This time of year is magical and I am always filled with so much joy and gratitude. It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane of the every day rat race. It is nice to hit pause and reflect on all the things I have been blessed with. Not talking tangible items, but priceless memories and people. So I thought I would share what I am thankful for!
I Am Thankful For…
I met Kris on a blind date almost 20 years ago. Crazy thinking we have spent almost 20 years (half of my life) with this man. My mom told my dad as we walked away, that he just met his future son-in-law. I love how she knew immediately. Kris and I did too, we just couldn’t wrap our head around the logistics of it. But 20 years later, I couldn’t be more thankful for him. He is the hardest worker I know. He always puts God first and his family next. He is exactly what I prayed for in a husband and father for my kiddos. He loves us well and I couldn’t be more thankful for him.
Brydon and Audrey
Oh my! The JOYS of my life! They will never know how much I fiercely love them. This time with them is so fleeting and I live for my days with them. They love me unconditionally even when I totally mess up. They tell me all the time I am the BEST mom even when I feel like I am failing. I am the lucky one to be their momma!
The joke has always been my parents are Ward and June Cleaver (“Leave it to Beaver”). As I have gotten older, the more I realized how unique it is for me to have parents still married after 47 years that love each other unconditionally. Oh if I only had time or space to tell you all the things they do for each other. They are an amazing example of selflessness and I have been fortunate to learn from them. I LOVE spending time with them and truly know how blessed I am to call them mom and dad.
My sister would probably tell you I am just thankful I had someone to pick on. AND I just may tell you how thankful I am that she still talks to me for all the stunts I pulled on her. Like putting her stinky socks in her pillowcase at night and not telling her til after she slept on it! Or was it my stinky socks? I don’t remember, but I do know we have shared a million laughs together, usually at her expense. I am so thankful for my sister that loves me and all the crap I pull on her.
Have you heard the saying, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything?” Well this is so true! I am thankful for a healthy family. It seems like every day you hear of a loved one fighting a disease or a dear friend losing a loved one. I do not take my health for granted, nor my kiddos health. We have had a few scares in the past and it is crippling. But today, we are happy and healthy and I will enjoy every second of it.
We were so fortunate to be able to build our forever home a few years ago. We had been searching for a long time and it felt like it would never happen. But it did with God’s perfect timing. Everything fell into place and we have turned this house into our home. My parent’s sold my childhood home last year and it was hard. I pray we are able to give our kiddos similar memories and safe place for them to always come back to. It is a bunch of concrete block and wood and honestly, it could all burn to the ground tomorrow. But I am thankful for the memories made, not necessarily the tangible things inside our home.
I know they say that God puts people in your life for a season and they may not be your friend in another season. But let me tell you how grateful I am for the girl gang I have right now. They love ME for ME. In my craziness, forgetfulness, and worst moments, they don’t judge me. They will take my kiddos and love them as their own and never ask or expect anything in return. I have friends that keep me accountable and give advice when I am wrong. And they will never know how they have truly blessed me this season of my life.
Lords knows I need it and Lord knows I need to give it, GRACE. Enough said!
For our country and for all the servicemen and women who have made it possible for us to worship and live in a FREE country. How do I even begin to thank them? I try to remind my kiddos how blessed we are to live in a country with endless opportunities for them. It is so hard to fathom other countries when we live in such abundance.
Last but not least, this little space I have created over the last year. You have no idea how it has stretched me out of my comfort zone. I am thankful for the ones I have met along the way. The ones who have helped me make it what it is today. I really had hoped to help just ONE person. Now I pray that I have reached more than just ONE. I have wanted it to be a space not only where you can find cute clothes, but a place of encouragement. It has been a challenge for me to open myself up, but I have had a huge support system. It has been quite a process and I have learned so much about myself along the way!
What are you thankful for this season?
Comment below some things you are thankful for this season. I cannot wait to read! I hope everyone has a beautiful Thanksgiving. I know during the holidays it can be hard for some. But I hope you find a reason to be thankful, even for the tiniest of things.
Happy Thanksgiving