Many that know me assume I love to run. Or I love to exercise. Which in a way I do. But I have not always been so dedicated to working out as I am today. Before kids, I would exercise in the evenings after work. Once Kris and I started trying to have a baby and it wasn’t happening, I quit running and working out altogether worried it was preventing me from being able to have a baby. Got pregnant (Yay!!) then would not run or workout for fear of losing the baby. So fast forward two babies later, I had to find ways to be active with two littles. Buying a jogging stroller and running was the easiest way for me to start exercising again. For me, running was not only keeping my heart healthy but my mind healthy as well. Running got us outside. Which means fresh air, new surroundings, change of scenery. If the kiddos were fussy, it would distract them and redirect their energy. If I was irritable or stressed, it helped me clear my head. As they have gotten older, we still get outside. And one of my most favorite things to do with the kiddos. Brydon will ride his bike and run with me. We are still working on Audrey! She still has it easy as she gets to ride in the stroller and eat snacks.
Listed some of my favorite athletic wear out right now! So good!