Before we left for the lake, a group of us took our kiddos out to the beach. It was a gorgeous day, but it is always on the forefront of us momma’s minds to slather all our kiddos in sunscreen to protect them for the sun. I kept thinking the whole time we were there that Brydon and Audrey needed a sun hat and shirt. I was comfortable under my umbrella, but knew there was no amount of SPF that would protect them that day. The UV rays had been intense and no matter how many times I applied sunscreen the kids still got way too much sun that day. And when that happens, you feel like you totally fail as a parent.
Summer is just a couple days away! Everyone should be wearing a SPF. But sometimes you don’t like the way it feels on your skin, the smell, or putting a chemical on your body. There is another way to protect your body from the sun’s harmful rays. You can wear UPF clothing! Sun protective clothing can be your first line of defense against aging skin and skin cancer. I have had to watch my dad every 6 months, have skin cancer removed. And I as I have gotten older, I will do anything to stop premature skin aging.
How Does Clothing Protect You From The Sun’s Harmful Rays?
According to the American Cancer Society , skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer. More people are diagnosed with skin cancer than all other cancers combined. The Skin Cancer Foundation has always encouraged covering yourself with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
According to, Clothing is our first line of defense against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and protects us by absorbing or blocking much of this radiation. The more skin you cover, the better. A long-sleeved shirt covers more skin than a cotton t-shirt, especially if it has a high neckline or collar that shields the back of the neck. Likewise, long pants protect more skin than shorts. Wearing UV protective clothing is so important in preventing sunburns.
Sun Safe Clothing & Fashion
Thankfully there are so many UPF clothing options that have the seal of approval to protect you. I’m going to share a few of my favorite items with you! Hopefully, it will give you options to help protect you on these sunny summer days at the beach, lake or park.
I found so many cute options for tops. I love this BEACH SHAWL! Honestly, I think it is a great option to throw around you and it isn’t as quite as constricting as a long sleeve shirt. And it has a UPF 50 rating. I found COOLIBAR had the most options with a high UFP rating to protect you from the harmful UV rays.
During the lacrosse season on game days, you are in the sun from 8 in the morning to almost 3 in the afternoon. It is the heat of the day and a long time to be exposed to UV rays. I wore leggings most game days. The one day I wore shorts, I didn’t cover my legs with enough sunscreen and was so sunburned. I didn’t wear shorts again.
Wide-brimmed Hats
The bigger the sun hat the better! It is recommend to have a brim of at least 3 inches wide. I use to only wear a baseball cap. Now when I can, I make sure I have a wide-brimmed hat that covers my full face.
I could own 100 pair of sunglasses and not have enough. Kris can attest to this statement. Sunglasses are one of my favorite accessories. I love a good pair of oversized glasses! I wear my Ray-ban aviators the most when exercising and out in the boat.
UV Swimwear
Especially with the kids, I feel like UV swimwear is one of the best defenses. You don’t have to worry about the water washing off sunscreen and applying more during the day. If I do not have on any protective clothing, I will set a timer to reapply my sunscreen. Again, there are so many options that are cute and fashionable!