I worked for my dad running his business before I had kids and worked for him and ran the business with kids in tow. About 6 months after Audrey was born I decided to stay at home with the kiddos, planning on going back to work for my dad once Audrey started kindergarten. That didn’t happen. And now that brings us to the present. I work from home, while running my own business. I state all of this to say, I understand the importance of each role. Also, I have worked the traditional office hours in an office space. And I know firsthand, how busy you are in each role. Each one of these roles has importance, struggles, and hustle.
I was just as busy and worked just as hard bringing my kids to work, as I did before I had kids. And when I was at home with kids, I worked my booty off. And in my current role, I am working hard at figuring out how to juggle kids, husband, house, puppy, and laundry. Oh Lord, the laundry!!!! I am still trying to figure it out. There are many days I have been burning the midnight oil in each role. I have researched some tips and tricks of being productive while working from home, and figured out a few of my own.
Work from Home Mom Tips
Get up early
In the last few months, I have started getting up early. Like 5:00 am early. One of my girlfriends thinks I am nuts. And quite honestly, I question myself at times. LOL! But I have found I get so many little things done before the kiddos even get out of the door for school. These little things, just help kick start my day. I get a 30 minute workout in, I get a load of a laundry started, the dishwasher emptied and filled. And if we have any water bottles to hand wash, those are done as well! I use to workout at 8:30 and I am amazed how much more I get done now getting up an hour earlier than when I did in the past!
Set a schedule
This one is still a work in progress for me! I have the early morning routine down, but past that I sometimes go a little haywire! I need to be better about time management. I’m one of those that will get overwhelmed about EVERYTHING I need to get done. I’ll start something and see something else I need to do and start on the next thing to do!
Making a schedule helps tremendously with time management. It helps me with a taking a little break too every now and then. Even if it is just to eat lunch! A schedule will help you keep yourself in check and help you feel more in control of your day. I am really bad at flying by the seat of my pants! So a schedule helps me so much.
If you have little ones, set time aside for quiet time. They can read or watch a movie while you have work time and accomplish one or two of your tasks on your To-Do list!
Make a To-Do List
I LOVE making list. Honestly, I love seeing what I need to do in black and white. I use my Google calendar religiously, but still use a pad and pen. I’m obsessed with making that check mark or crossing things off my list. There is something so satisfactory about seeing items crossed off. I try and prioritize each item, putting the most important thing to accomplish for the day or week at the very top.
Set Realistic Goals
Set realistic goals!!! Not only for yourself, but your kiddos. There have been days when I have put down 10 goals to accomplish and I complete only 3! Then it leads to frustration. Not only for me, but for those around me! Don’t plan to do everything you want and do it all by yourself! If you ask the kids to help you with chores around the house, don’t expect them to do it exactly and perfectly as you would.
Make use of car time
My kids have shown me how to make use of our car time. They are awesome at pulling out their homework and utilizing the drive home to get their work done so they have plenty of time to play. There have been many times I make work phone calls while standing in the middle of Target picking up items for a school project! Or I will catch up with friends while driving so I am still productive at home. The kids are smack dab in the middle of Lacrosse and I am in the car A LOT! I will bring my computer and sit in the car and work while the kiddos practice.
Give Grace/Be Flexible
Ahhhhhh if I could have you only learn one thing, that would be to give grace. Not only for yourself, but to others. One of the first things I learned as a mom is NOTHING goes according to plan with kids. I remember thinking oh I have this all figured out. I will get ready even earlier and give myself X amount of time more. Only to have 3 blowouts, an extra feeding, and look over and see the dog has made a mess. And I still wasn’t on time. I had to learn to be flexible.
So now, I have to learn to give myself grace when the dished didn’t get done or the laundry put away. Or when the house is in total disarray. Kris has had to learn to give me grace as well. LOL
WorkOut at home/incorporate kids
When the kids were babies, we would go for a run or I would do a quick video workout while the kids were napping. I remember when Audrey was a baby I would be jumping around her and even use her as weight at times. It was never easy, but I would never regret getting in a quick workout.
If you have been following along, you know now that they are older I love working out with them. We set challenges on how fast we can finish our run or we will all workout together at my gym. It is a win-win. They get moving and i get a workout in! We typically have more time outside of lacrosse season or during the summer. But I am so thankful they have always worked out with me from an early age, because now it is just part of their routine and lifestyle!
Put kids first
As much as humanly possible I put Brydon and Audrey first. This isn’t always the most convenient when you have deadlines and SO MUCH to accomplish in one day. But it is always the best decision to put them first. I am not going to lie, it can be so frustrating when you have your week planned out and one of the kiddos get sick. But I am so lucky I am able to be there for them. The household items are typically what will wait.
There will always be tomorrow or the next week to get them done. I have to remind myself of that a lot. There will come a day when I want to have little voices asking for another cup of water, to play basketball, watch my dance routine, or wanting me to sit on the couch and cuddle. Time is pretty fleeting and I know I won’t regret putting them first.
Support System
I am so lucky to have all of my family so close. I know I can call and pretty much any time day or night, they will help me out. But I have also been able to surround myself with some of the mommas around. They work hard and love their families fiercely, but I know they love mine just as well. I know I can call in the troops anytime I need help. It’s the asking for help that is the hardest. I would highly encourage you to find your tribe and surround yourself with a strong support system. It is so good for your heart, head, and soul just to know someone has your back.
Are You A Work From Home Mom?
I would LOVE to hear from any working mommas out there letting me know what works for them. No matter which role you are in! I would even love to hear some funny stories you may have while working with kids at home! Leave comments below!